Goldfinger - porcelain with story

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GOLDFINGER Porcelain is a family bussiness founded in 1998 and located in Brno, Czech Republic.

'We are focussed on the high quality small serries porcelain production and on the customers seeking original, ecological and trendy design for reasonable price. We create and sell custom made mugs, bowls, coffee and tea sets and other design or artefacts for hotels, coffeehouses, restaurants. Our production is exported to the whole world and we are very happy and proud that our porcelain production is successfuly sold in China, Japan and South Corea - the countries with such exquisite and great porcelain tradition.

The best liked from mugs section are Retro mugs inspired by Czech Cubism Art Deco style or ZOO mugs with animal shape handles. You can choose among chameleon, cat, dog, rabbit, pig, peacock, swan or deer whatever you like the best. If you seek truly original one, we can offer MOBIL mug. It is a mug on four wheels to race the table, yet fuctional - moving design! Try it!






Forms warehouse

Forms warehouse

Our products in gallery collections

Duck pot

Duck pot

Ship pot

Ship pot

Steel set

Steel set

Iron set

Iron set


Award for excellent design

Year: 1993
Award: for the study of porcelain pots

GOLDFINGER Porcelain manufacture is a family bussiness focussed mostly on the small serries of porcelain production and on the customers seeking original, ecological and trendy design. We create and sell custom made coffee and tea mugs or sets and other design for hotels, coffeehouses, restaurants.
We produce replicas of Czech Cubism era ceramics artefacts for MODERNISTA company. Czech Cubistic ceramics is wordly known as unique part of Cubism style and highly valued for its timeless decorative quality. Our replicas are handpaited handmade glazed slipcasts from high quality material. The artworks of all leading artists from this era Pavel Janák, Vlastislav Hofman, Rudolf Stockar are in our portfolio.